A Questionable Halloween Costume

Happy Halloween, all!

So last Saturday, Tim and Steph had the annual Halloween party, and this year’s theme was comic characters.  After much thought, I ended up going as The Question.


Not Rorschach

Apparently, nobody else has ever heard of him, which led to my inadvertently winning this cool trophy for “Most Obscure Costume”:


Obscure? But I'm In The Justice League!

For those curious to learn more about this under-rated character, Wikipedia, as always, has a good article.  Also, you can check out his best moments from the animated Justice League Unlimited series here.

Later in the week, it was time to carve pumpkins at Darren and Whitney’s, and I finally go a chance to do the Lain Iwakura jack o’lantern I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now.  Some of the details from my sketch got lost in the carving stage; it’s easier to work in pencil than in pumpkin.


She Looked Happier In My Sketch

A copy of the picture that inspired my design can be seen here.